Graduated Disposable Measuring Cups - 12 Oz / 300 cc (mL)
Save yourself from frustration and the time consuming hassle of cleaning out conventional measuring cups. These cost effective Graduated Disposable Measuring Cups are the perfect size cup for any size batch you are making when your formulation calls for a minimum of 2 Oz - 12 Oz / 50 - 300 mL/cc's increments. Buy Now
Application Use(s): Nails, Eyes, Lips, External (Face & Body) Formulations
Formulation Use: All Cosmetics
Composition: Wax Paper Cup
Packaging: Ziplock Bag
Vegan: Yes
Cruelty FREE: Yes
Ingredients: Wax Paper
Prices listed herein are "pre-tax" and shipping.
This product ships Worldwide.
This product is sold by count.
Sorry, NO RETURNS ACCEPTED. Please order small samples for initial testing.
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